Shiga Prefecture has flourished as a transportation hub since ancient times, centered around Japan's largest freshwater lake, Lake Biwa. Along Lake Biwa, where you can enjoy the beautiful waterside scenery, there are many famous castles such as Hikone Castle with its existing castle tower, Oda Nobunaga's Azuchi Castle, Nagahama Castle associated with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Sawayama Castle built by Ishida Mitsunari. It is also the country of There are many castle towns that retain the atmosphere of the Edo period, so let's take a stroll around them. Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, a World Heritage Site, is also a popular spot. Don't forget to enjoy gourmet food such as lake fish dishes and Omi beef.
Information on castles, temples, and shrines in Shiga Prefecture
Introducing useful information for your trip to Aichi, from recommended spots in Shiga Prefecture to gourmet information!
Pick up history such as incidents and people related to Shiga Prefecture