Naomasa Matsudaira (1/2)Successful stock who played an active role in Osaka no Jin

Naomasa Matsudaira

Naomasa Matsudaira

Article category
Naomasa Matsudaira (1601-1666)
place of birth
Shiga Prefecture
Related castles, temples and shrines
Matsue Castle

Matsue Castle

National treasure tower
Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle

National treasure tower
Echizen Ono Castle

Echizen Ono Castle

The late Muromachi period was a time of war and turmoil, also known as the Sengoku period, which was compared to the history of China. Tokugawa Ieyasu brought an end to this era. Supported by many retainers, Ieyasu established the Edo Shogunate and became a ruler of Japan. Naomasa Matsudaira was the grandson of Ieyasu and was active in the Osaka Siege. He was highly praised by his enemy general, Nobushige Sanada (Yukimura Sanada), for his acting as a young warrior, and built a good relationship with successive Tokugawa shoguns. This time, I would like to take a look at the life of Naomasa Matsudaira.

Childhood raised by vassals

Naomasa Matsudaira was born on August 5, 1601, as the third son of Hideyasu Yuki, the lord of Echizen Kitanosho. His mother was Gesshoin, and his father, Hideyasu Yuki, was the second son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, but he was treated poorly by his father from an early age and was unable to become the heir to the Tokugawa family.
Naomasa was born in Nakagouchi, Ika District, Omi Province, and was given the name Kawachimaru, which later became known as Kunimaru.
In 1605, he was left in the care of Shigemasa Asahi, a vassal, to raise him. Shigemasa will train Naomasa as a guardian.

Naomasa was only 6 years old when his father, Hideyasu, died of illness in 1607. Therefore, he grew up under the protection of his half-brother Tadanao Matsudaira, who succeeded his father Hideyasu.

On April 17, 1611, his older brother Tadanao arranged for him to have an audience with his grandfather, Tokugawa Ieyasu, at Nijo Castle in Kyoto. As Naomasa grew up, he received one character from each of his older brother Tadanao Matsudaira's ``Nao'' and Shigemasa Asahi, who served as a guardian and a substitute for raising him. .

Osaka's first battle

At the age of 14, Naomasa went to war in Osaka, which began in 1614.
In this battle against the Toyotomi side, although it was his first battle, he was forced to fight on the Sanada Maru, which was protected by Nobushige Sanada (Yukimura Sanada) during the winter battle, and his bravery was praised even by Yukimura, who was his enemy. It is said that it was done.

The following summer, he played an active role following his older brother Tadanao during the Osaka Summer Campaign.
Tadanao Matsudaira's army has achieved great military success by defeating many enemy generals, including Nobushige Sanada (Yukimura Sunaga).

After the Battle of Osaka ended, he was praised by his grandfather Ieyasu for his bravery and military exploits. As a reward, Naomasa was given an uchai-bukuro (a bag for storing food and money) that Ieyasu had used.
His older brother Tadanao also praised Naomasa's achievements and gave him 10,000 koku of land within his territory.

Furthermore, on May 6, 1616, Naomasa was given 10,000 koku from the Kazusa Anegasaki domain by the shogunate.
In June of the same year, he was given the official rank of Junior Fifth Rank Lower, Dewa no kami, and officially became a daimyo.
In this way, although Naomasa was not expected to succeed him, his success in the Osaka Siege was recognized and he became a daimyo, achieving an unprecedented career advancement.

The second half of life was increased

In 1623, Matsudaira Tadanao, his older brother, was forced to retire from the position of head of the family due to his disorderly conduct and a rift with his uncle, Hidetada Tokugawa. It is said that this was due to Tadanao's dissatisfaction with the shogunate as his military exploits at the Osaka Siege were not properly evaluated.
Tadanao was banished to Bungo Province (present-day Oita City, Oita Prefecture) and sentenced to imprisonment, and decided to become a monk.

Naomasa, on the other hand, was transferred to the Echizen Ono Domain in June 1624, increasing the amount to 50,000 koku. Also, on August 6 of the same year, he was promoted to Junior Fourth Rank (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) (Dewa no Kuni Nyogen). On August 19, 1626, he concurrently assumed the post of Chamberlain.

Furthermore, on April 22, 1633, the amount was increased to 70,000 koku and transferred to the Shinano Matsumoto domain.
In the 11th year of Kan'ei (1634), the moon viewing turret and the Tatsumi turret were built at Matsumoto Castle, and the castle gate was being repaired. It is said that this was because he had plans to visit Zenkoji Temple and stop by Matsumoto.

In addition, in 1636, a new Zeniza was established in Matsumoto to mint Kanei Tsuho Matsumoto coins.
As a cousin of Iemitsu, the third shogun, he was allowed to undertake large-scale projects that would normally not be allowed in a small domain.
They also focused on internal affairs, such as exempting craftsmen from labor duties and exempting Matsumoto Town from land tax (easement), and managed the territory steadily.

Transfer to Matsue and the end of Naomasa

On February 11, 1638, Naomasa was transferred to the Izumo Matsue domain with an additional 186,000 koku (and 14,000 koku in Oki Province), and finally became a kunimochi daimyo.
Naomasa, who moved to the Matsue domain, severely suppressed Christians within the territory.
It is said that the severity of the oppression of Christians was far more severe than that of the previous feudal lords, the Horio family and Kyogoku Tadataka, even though the shogunate was in power.

Naomasa Matsudaira's article continues

Tomoyo Hazuki
Writer(Writer)I have loved history and geography since my student days, and have enjoyed visiting historical sites, temples and shrines, and researching ancient documents. He is especially strong in medieval Japanese history and European history in world history, and has read a wide range of things, including primary sources and historical entertainment novels. There are so many favorite military commanders and castles that I can't name them, but I especially like Hisashi Matsunaga and Mitsuhide Akechi, and when it comes to castles, I like Hikone Castle and Fushimi Castle. Once you start talking about the lives of warlords and the history of castles, there's a side of you that can't stop talking about them.
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