Omandokoro (2/2)Mother of Emperor Toyotomi Hideyoshi



Article category
Omandokoro (1516-1592)
place of birth
Aichi prefecture
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Omandokoro's eldest daughter, Tomo, was born to Yaemon Kinoshita, the same father as Hideyoshi. She married Yasuke, a farmer from Otsuno Village, Kaito District, Owari Province, and had the eldest son Hidetsugu (Jihei), the second son Hidekatsu (Kokichi), and the third son Hideyasu (Tatsuchiyo). Her husband, Yasuke, served Hideyoshi as Kinoshita Yasuke when Toyotomi Hideyoshi served Oda Nobunaga under the surname Kinoshita. Satoshi and Yasuke's eldest son, Hidetsugu, was adopted into the prestigious Miyoshi family in the Kinai region and took the surname Miyoshi, calling himself Hidetsugu Miyoshi. Furthermore, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was unable to have children until his later years, appointed Hidetsugu Miyoshi as his successor, and Hidetsugu Toyotomi.

However, Tomo's children did not have a very good life. Hidekatsu was adopted by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and married Azai Nagamasa's daughter Oe (later married again to Tokugawa Hidetada), but was killed in battle during the dispatch to Korea, and Hideyasu succeeded Hidenaga as Hashiba Hidenaga's son-in-law. died of illness, and Hidetsugu was ordered to commit seppuku by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Omandokoro's eldest daughter, Satoshi, loses her children as the Toyotomi family reaches its peak. However, wisdom lives even longer. She passed away in 1625, the year after Toyotomi Hideyoshi died, her husband Yasuke who became a monk also passed away, the Toyotomi family was destroyed in the Osaka Summer Siege, and Hideyoshi's wife Kita Mandokoro (Kodaiin) passed away. Passed away at the age of 92. Of Omandokoro's children, it was probably Omandokoro's eldest daughter, Satoshi, who saw the Toyotomi family established by her eldest son, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, to its end.

By the way, the bloodline between Yasuke and Satoshi continued. A daughter was born to Oe and his second son Hidekatsu, Kanko Toyotomi. Kanko married Yukiie Kujo, who became Kanpaku, and the Kujo family expanded its bloodline to the current imperial family. Omandokoro's only lineage was the descendants of his eldest daughter, Tomo.

Omandokoro and his death

Now let's go back to the time when Princess Asahi was married to Ieyasu Tokugawa and Omandokoro was sent as a hostage to Sunpu. Omandokoro spent a month in Sunpu and was returned to Osaka.

In 1587, when Jurakudai in Kyoto was completed, he moved to Jurakudai with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but after a while only Omandokoro returned to Osaka.

From around June 1996, I became often sick and had to lay down. In the 18th year of Tensho (1590), Princess Asahi passed away, and the following year, in 1591 (1591), Hidenaga Hashiba passed away one after another, and this caused many worries.
However, around the time of Hidenaga Hashiba's death, Hideyoshi Toyotomi began thinking about entering China (an expedition to mainland China) and moved to Nagoya Castle in Kyushu. Omandokoro feared for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's safety and stopped him from crossing the sea. Hideyoshi could not ignore his mother's restraints and canceled his own expedition, but the Bunroku and Keicho eras began.

However, in 1592, Omandokoro's condition worsened and he died in July at Jurakudai. He passed away at the age of 77. Hideyoshi returned from Kyushu after hearing the news that his mother was in critical condition, but it is said that he was unable to see her death and collapsed. Yoshi held a memorial service at Daitokuji Temple in August and enshrined his body. Emperor Goyozei sent an imperial envoy to grant the posthumous title Jun Sango to Omandokoro.

It is said that Omandokoro's grave was placed in Daitoku-ji Tenzu-ji Temple, and his ashes were placed in Tenzu-ji Temple's Juto Pagoda, and a portrait of Omandokoro remains in the main temple of Daitoku-ji Temple. There are also graves at Koyasan Seiganji Temple and Yamashina Honkokuji Temple, and at Yamashina Honkokuji Temple there is a memorial tower where her first husband Yaemon Kinoshita, nephew Yoshifusa Miyoshi, and grandson Hideyasu Toyotomi are enshrined.

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine and Ganbun

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is located in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City.
The tower gate (large gate with a roof) in front of Fushimi Inari Taisha is said to have been built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1589. It is said that when his mother, Omandokoro, fell ill, Toyotomi Hideyoshi prayed to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, saying that if Omandokoro's illness would be cured, 10,000 koku would be donated, and the Tairayashiromon was built.

However, the truth of this story has long been questioned. However, when the tower gate of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine was dismantled and repaired in 1971, a ``Tensho 17 ink calligraphy'' with the same story as Hideyoshi's prayer was discovered, confirming that the legend was correct. However, since the actual donation was 5,000 koku, Hideyoshi may have haggled with the gods.
Currently, the tower gate of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is said to be the oldest and largest of all the gates of shrines in Kyoto City, and is designated as an important cultural property of the country.

Hinomiya Shrine and the birth of Hideyoshi

Toyotomi Hideyoshi became a ruler of Japan. Omandokoro, where Hideyoshi was born. The exact birthplace of Toyotomi Hideyoshi is not known. It seems certain that it went as far as Nakamura in Aichi District, Owari Province (present-day Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City), but it is also said to be the location of Nakamura Park, which is adjacent to the Nagoya Velodrome, and is also said to be Josenji Temple, which is located to the east of Nakamura Park. In Nakamura Park, there is a monument that says ``Place of Birth of Prince Toyo'', and in the precincts of Josen-ji Temple, there are the ``Ote-planted holly'' that is said to have been planted by Hideyoshi, and a well for the birth bath. Regardless of the exact location, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born in Nakamura.

Hinomiya Shrine is located in Nakamura, Nagoya City. The original name of Hinomiya Shrine is Hiyoshi Gongen, and it is said that before Hideyoshi was born, Omandokoro visited Hiyoshi Gongen and prayed for the birth of a son. On New Year's Day in 1536, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born with a powerful first cry. Hideyoshi's childhood name, Hiyoshimaru, is said to have been derived from this Hiyoshi Gongen.
Hinomiya Shrine is the shrine where Omandokoro's wishes came true, and the shrine that gave birth to the people of Japan.

Reread the article on Omandokoro

Tomoyo Hazuki
Writer(Writer)I have loved history and geography since my student days, and have enjoyed visiting historical sites, temples and shrines, and researching ancient documents. He is especially strong in medieval Japanese history and European history in world history, and has read a wide range of things, including primary sources and historical entertainment novels. There are so many favorite military commanders and castles that I can't name them, but I especially like Hisashi Matsunaga and Mitsuhide Akechi, and when it comes to castles, I like Hikone Castle and Fushimi Castle. Once you start talking about the lives of warlords and the history of castles, there's a side of you that can't stop talking about them.
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