Miyazaki Prefecture is known as the hometown of mythology. Takachiho Gorge, a valley with a mystical atmosphere, is home to the legend of Amanoiwato and the descent of the descendants of the Tenson, and night Kagura still remains. Nichinan, which has a tropical resort feel, also has Udo Shrine, which is located inside a cave. Historic sites such as Nobeoka Castle, also known as the ``Ishigaki that killed a thousand people,'' Takajo, the site of the fierce battle of Mimikawa, and the Obi area, ``Little Kyoto of Kyushu,'' remain. Surrounded by the Nichinan coast and strangely shaped rocks called Oni no Washita, Aoshima is a popular spot for marine activities. There are many golf courses and night golf is also available.
Contains castle tourism information in Miyazaki Prefecture.
Picking up history such as incidents and people related to Miyazaki Prefecture