Tadaaki Matsudaira (1/2)Explanation about his upbringing, achievements, and life

Tadaaki Matsudaira

Tadaaki Matsudaira

Article category
Tadaaki Matsudaira (1583-1644)
place of birth
Aichi prefecture
Related castles, temples and shrines
Kameyama Castle

Kameyama Castle

koriyama castle

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There is a man named Tadaaki Matsudaira who was involved in the construction of castles, bridges, and towns in Osaka Prefecture, which are now popular tourist destinations. Tadaaki Matsudaira is one of the famous people in the Kansai region with many achievements. He was instrumental in expanding the city area and building what is now a famous tourist spot, and this time we will introduce him.

When was Tadaaki Matsudaira born? Introducing name changes since birth

Tadaaki Matsudaira was born in 1583. In terms of era, it corresponds to the Azuchi-Momoyama period. Although his name is Matsudaira, he was born into the Tokugawa family and is the grandson of the famous Tokugawa Ieyasu. Also, her mother is Kamehime, the daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and you can find her by just tracing the family line a little from Ieyasu.

Tadaaki Matsudaira was given the surname "Matsudaira" when he was five years old. Until then, his surname was ``Tokugawa'' due to his family lineage, but when he was adopted by Ieyasu, he changed his surname to ``Matsudaira.'' Also, my first name at that time was ``Kiyotada,'' and when I was little, I went by the name ``Matsudaira Kiyotada.''

Tadaaki Matsudaira, the same person he is today, was around the age of 16 and participated in the Battle of Sekigahara at the age of 17.

Kiyomasa Matsudaira became the ``Tadaaki Matsudaira'' introduced in this article when he was 16 years old. The name is said to have come from his grandfather, Hidetada Tokugawa, and from that time until his death he lived under the name ``Tadaaki Matsudaira.'' To explain it in modern terms, it means that you chose your own name out of respect for your grandfather's name.

Matsudaira, a boy who changed his name to Tadaaki Matsudaira, participated in the famous "Battle of Sekigahara" at the age of 17. Even though he's participating, he's actually a 17-year-old boy taking on a life-or-death battle. It seems like they were able to survive, but in modern times it would be like high school boys risking their lives in a war, so you should know how amazing it was.

Became the lord of the domain at the age of 18 and won an overwhelming victory at the Osaka Summer Campaign.

Tadaaki Matsudaira successfully survived the Battle of Sekigahara and became the lord of the Mikawa domain at the age of 18. This happened in September 1602, and was a major decision and appointment that would lead to his later success in the Osaka Winter Camp. The lord of the domain at that time was a very important position, equivalent to an important position similar to that of a mayor or higher today. Matsudaira Tadaaki became the lord of the domain at a young age, and this can be said to be a testament to the trust he had built up over the years and the recognition he had for his ability to be active in numerous battles.

From 1614 onwards, there was a winter camp in Osaka. The Mino army participated in this battle, and the samurai were led by Matsudaira Tadaaki's older brother, Tadamasa. However, Matsudaira Tadamasa died of illness before the Osaka Winter Siege began. Originally, Tadaaki Matsudaira's father was supposed to take command, but for unknown reasons, his father changed and never took command.

Therefore, Tadaaki Matsudaira was entrusted with the task of organizing the samurai to replace him. However, Tadaaki Matsudaira's domain was originally scheduled to participate in this battle, and Tadaaki Matsudaira was left in charge of only the samurai of the Mino army who had no commander. Looking at the situation at the Osaka Winter Siege, we can see that the mobilized troops led by Tadaaki Matsudaira were overwhelmingly larger than those at Ise Kameyama. They successfully fought through the battle and gathered together a huge number of people.

He also became the lord of Osaka Castle and built the castle's moat.

Tadaaki Matsudaira once became the lord of Osaka Castle. He was appointed by Ieyasu in recognition of his achievements. However, in 1616, while Matsudaira Tadaaki was the lord of Osaka Castle, Tokugawa Ieyasu died. Ieyasu was 75 years old when he died, indicating that he lived to a very old age at the time.

Tadaaki Matsudaira, whose battles at Osaka Winter Siege and Osaka Summer Siege were highly praised by Ieyasu, was able to work in the area around Osaka Castle. Tadaaki Matsudaira was entrusted by Ieyasu with reclaiming the inner and outer moats of Osaka Castle, a job that led to the current Osaka Castle. In addition, after the Osaka Siege, he worked hard to rebuild from the war damage.

Tadaaki Matsudaira was involved in the construction of Osaka Castle's moat and was highly trusted by Ieyasu, and it can still be seen at Osaka Castle today. Osaka Castle has been rebuilt with reinforced concrete, but you can only see Tadaaki Matsudaira in its castle tower. When you head to the castle tower, there is a portrait of Tadaaki Matsudaira on display, and even we can see it. Please don't just check it out on the internet, go and check it out in person.

Tadaaki Matsudaira had a very methodical personality.

It has been reported that Tadaaki Matsudaira had an unusually serious personality. At that time, there was a sankin kotai system, and in the case of Tadaaki Matsudaira, it was decided that he had to visit Edo once every three years. However, once you become a feudal lord, you are in charge of the land, so you are not obligated to participate. Apparently, the idea was to "participate as much as possible," but Tadaaki Matsudaira made sure to participate in Sankin once every three years. As you can see, he had a very serious personality, which may be why he was recognized and trusted by Ieyasu.

He built a temple in Fukushima Prefecture for his relatives.

Tadaaki Matsudaira once moved to Koriyama in Fukushima Prefecture for his older brother Ieharu Matsudaira. In 1619, he built Torin-ji Temple, Daizo-ji Temple for his grandfather Sadanoshi Okudaira, and Ryugen-ji Temple for Sadatoshi Ohira, the start of the Okudaira family. All of them are said to have been built to protect their relatives, and are said to have been built in places where they were difficult to see. Currently, there are two temples in Fukushima Prefecture, Torin-ji and Daizo-ji, but these are rebuilt and recreated buildings from the time.

Dotonbori, now a famous tourist destination, was created by Tadaaki Matsudaira.

I'm sure many people have found the word "Dotonbori" useful. Dotonbori is the name of a downtown area and a river called Dotonbori River in Chuo Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Many of you may have seen images and videos of Glico's large signboards. It is a competitive area lined with restaurants from Kani Doraku, Osaka Osho, and other large companies, and is crowded with people every day.

Tadaaki Matsudaira's article continues

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Saori Nakamura
Writer(Writer)Writer living in Hokkaido. I usually write in my free time and on my days off while working in the service industry. Active both online and in print, focusing on travel and gourmet genres. I am also in charge of writing in Chinese, making use of the Chinese skills I acquired during my university days. I want to get involved in article projects related to history, which I was good at when I was a student, so I'm looking for a historical article medium. At the Hokkaido Academic Achievement Contest during high school entrance exams, he was ranked in the top 100 in social studies.
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